Mobilcut™ 250 helps Mircotech CNC, Hosur, Tamil Nadu save 8.4L INR annually, lower Cost Per Component by 20% and improved surface finish with better machining performance.

Equipment: CNC Turning & Milling Centres
Plant: Microtech, CNC Private Limited
Address: Hosur, Tamil Nadu
The final component produced by turning and milling machines, comprised of black stains on the surface even after thorough washing. In an effort to improve this, productivity and monitoring services, the company approached ExxonMobil DSR for an alternative solution.
Based on the requirement, consumption pattern, metallurgy of the material machined DSR recommended Mobilcut™ 250. It is a high performance versatile semi synthetic water soluble metalworking fluid. It can be used on Aluminium alloys, Steel alloys and other metals for turning, drilling, milling, tapping, reaming and grinding operations.
- Net savings of INR 8,40,000 per annum with Oil Cost reduction by 15% tool cost by 7%
- Improved surface finish with no black stains
- Reduction in top-up by 9.5% and increase in sump life by 3 months
- Dedicated Solcare for regular coolant monitoring
- Frequent tramp oil removal service & assistance on top up
- Digital data analytics & sharing through Mobil™ Solcare App