Mobil AntiCounterFeit Feature

Check product authenticity with Mobil™ Anti-Counterfeit

You deserve nothing less than the quality you need to excel. That’s why we take product authenticity very seriously. Our Anti-Counterfeit Feature provides a convenient, secure way for you to confirm the authenticity of Mobil™ products you purchase or find on the shelf – ensuring that you perform with confidence.

Using the Mobil Anti-Counterfeit Feature

Our Anti-Counterfeit Feature uses secure graphic technology in conjunction with the Scantrust app. On the label of each Mobil product, you’ll find a Scantrust Secure 2D Code. Learn more about the code:

Scantrust QRC
QR Code authenticity
Step 1: To fully authenticate each product, you’ll need to download Scantrust from the App Store or Google Play:
Step 2: Check that the Mobil product in question has a Scantrust Secure 2D Code on its label.
Product packshot
Step 3: Scan the code with the Scantrust app and get directed to the results page.
Scantrust Authenticity
Scan result What it means


Genuine Product

Rescan with latest Scantrust App

Code is valid and active in the market

Further verification required

Code cannot be verified currently because of a variety of reasons : code not scanned properly, code has been scanned too many times and has been inactivated (but not necessarily counterfeit)

Encountered a potentially counterfeit product? Click on this button to report it:

Alternatively, if you have questions about our Anti-Counterfeit Feature, please contact us at INDIALUBELINE@EXXONMOBIL.COM.