Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 46 helps Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd save USD 96,426
Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd. has 31 excavators for various operations inside the plant. An ISO VG 46 competitor oil was being used to lubricate the hydraulic system of the excavators. The resulting shorter oil drain interval of 1500 hours was hampering the productivity and increasing maintenance cost.
ExxonMobil Field Engineering Services (FES) carried out an investigation of the competitive hydraulic oil in the excavator through Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis and recommended Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 46 for higher oil drain intervals.
Regular monitoring of Mobil DTE 10 Excel 46 through Mobil Serv Lubricant Analysis enabled assessment of oil condition, machine wear and contamination levels, which helped increase ODI and filter life from 1500 hours to 4000 hours, as well as reduce operating temperature by 4°C, eventually leading to annual savings of USD 96,426.
This is one of the many examples of how our services have ensured a success story even in a highly competitive industry like the commercial sector.