What makes Mobil Super?
A Super solution for every vehicle

Mobil Super™ All-in-One Protection 0W-20
Mobil Super™ All-in-One Protection 0W-20 is brought to you by the makers of Mobil 1™. This full synthetic engine oil is tailored to deliver improved fuel economy by up to 2%** and provides outstanding engine wear protection even under the most demanding driving conditions.
It is formulated with Heat Activated Anti-Wear™ molecules technology which provides superior engine protection under high temperature.

Mobil Super™ All-in-One Protection Formula I 5W-40
Mobil Super™ All-In-One Protection Formula I 5W-40 is brought to you by the makers of Mobil 1™. It is a full synthetic high-performance engine oil designed to help prolong the life and maintain the efficiency of your vehicle engines.
It is formulated with Heat Activated Anti-Wear™ molecules for superior engine protection in high temperature while keeping your engine clean.

Mobil Super™ Friction Fighter 5W-30
Mobil Super™ Friction Fighter 5W-30 is brought to you by the makers of Mobil 1. This synthetic technology engine oil is specially engineered to enhance engine wear protection to prolong your engine life.
It is specifically formulated with FrictionFighter™ molecules to create a solid protective layer that cushions the impact when engine parts come in contact, protecting your engine against life-shortening wear. It was proven in latest API SP engine test to provides better engine wear protection up to 65%*.