Mobil Delvac™ 1340

Mobil Delvac 1340

Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oils

Mobil Delvac 1330, 1340, and 1350 are high performance, heavy duty diesel engine oils formulated from advanced technology base oils and a balanced additive system.  They are specifically engineered for performance in intercooled, turbo-charged engines operating under severe on and off highway conditions.  Mobil Delvac 1300 monogrades are used in a wide range of applications where a monograde lubricant is recommended.



Features and Benefits

FeaturesAdvantages and Potential Benefits
Excellent protection against oil thickening, high temperature deposits, sludge build-up, oil degradation and corrosionProlonged engine life
Less wear
Excellent protection against ring sticking
Extended TBN reserveLong-term deposit/wear control



  • Naturally aspirated and turbo-charged diesel powered equipment
  • On highway light and heavy duty trucking
  • Off highway industries including: construction, mining, quarrying, and agriculture


Specifications and Approvals

Mobil Delvac 1300 Monogrades are recommended for use in applications requiring:Mobil Delvac 1330Mobil Delvac 1340Mobil Delvac 1350
Daimler Chrysler MB 227.0XX 


Other Qualifications

Product Name ClaimMobil Delvac 1330Mobil Delvac 1340Mobil Delvac 1350
10 TBN minimumXXX


Typical Properties

Mobil Delvac 1300 Monogrades133013401350
SAE Grade304050
Viscosity, ASTM D 445   
cSt @ 40ºC106146231
cSt @ 100ºC11.814.619.9
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270999999
Sulfated Ash, wt%, ASTM D 8741.11.11.1
Total Base #, mg KOH/g, ASTM D 289610.110.110.1
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97-21-21-18
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92256254260
Density @ 15ºC kg/l, ASTM D 40520.890.900.90


Health and Safety

Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.